Sign-up is simple to join the MSI team.
Players must be 18 years old and only
one entry offered per player.​

WIN added rewards with exclusive:


Select a favorite NFL and NBA team for the season, and when they win [vs. the spread*] you win! 

*Spreads by www.DonBest.com at the start of each day's games.​​​ 

FREE $1,000,000 contest is the simplest you will ever play and first prize is $100,000!

​Simply sign-up, only once, and you're automatically entered into our FREE contest!​​

SIGN-UP PRIZE: $50-$100!  Simply join the contest ​​and once entry is confirmed you WIN!


.Free Contest
"Where you don't bet...we invest."
​FYI: Your SSN# last 4-digits allows you FREE contest entry.

"ADD-ON": Your complete SSN# allows FREE entry, sign-up bonus and prizes.

"WIN-WIN": All payouts are considered tax-deductible donations.

​DPC Inc. Tax ID/EIN #82-231-9635​
masterstrategyinvestments.com © 2020
Current Minimum Share: $100.00

FREE Contest Entry Form

Please fill-out completely then press "submit."
  • Captcha Field

* Required Field
By clicking "Submit"; player agrees to give DPC Inc. and MSI legal permission to invest and act as proxy in the contest.​​
​​See for yourself these prizes: 

​Sign-Up: $50-$100
​Weekly: ​$500-$1,000!
​Monthly: $4,000-$10,000!
Yearly: $500-$60,000!​

FYI: Please use PayPal for a rapid payout.
Players sign-up for PayPal by clicking logo.
Please expect 1-4 weeks for all payouts.​
"WIN-WIN": Regardless of the charity you choose, or don't, you agree to donate 50% of your winnings back to us for distribution.

​​​​Please read about MSI's goal to match the $1,000,000 donation made by one of our former partners to Opportunity Village​​​​​​.
"WIN-WIN": Player option to have winnings increased and receive valuable inside info!
FYI: DPC Inc. and MSI have the right to reject any player entry which is incomplete
or we deem a rule breaker.  However, we will notify player beforehand and do our
best to include everyone in the contest.​​​​

Pick a team and all season long when they win key TV games ​[vs. spread*]; you win!

BONUS: If your team covers and is selected as our "Anthony Best Bet," for the week, your share is a prize of 60% or $60,000! ​​

*Spreads by www.DonBest.com at the start of each team's games.​​​​​
FYI: If your personal email is different than
your PayPal email [see below], please email info@masterstrategyinvestments.com when
you sign up.  Thank you.​